Clarity Perfect World

Clarity Perfect World

While donations are truly appreciated, I encourage you to think carefully before contributing, especially if you are living on a tight budget. Your financial well-being should always come first, and there are more important things in life than giving right now.

If you do feel moved to donate, I welcome you to do so via Ko-fi.

When making a Ko-fi donation, be sure to include your character's name in the donation message, and I will send a special in-game thank-you gift directly to your character’s mailbox. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect for your generous donation:

$5 - $10: Receive a unique item that is 5-10 levels above your character’s current level. This item cannot be used immediately, but will serve as a great future asset.

$15 - $20: Receive an item that matches your character's level, tailored to give you an edge with your class in mind.

$25 and above: Receive a level-matching item with an added boost, plus a flyer that is typically unavailable to your class.